Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bear Lake Trail Run

I believe in always having a goal in order to keep things fresh and something to work toward. Well, no sooner that the Fiesta 5K was over, it was time for my next challenge, The Bear Lake Trail Run. Considering I wasn't fully healed from my hip fracture and I had NEVER done ANY trail running, I knew this would be just for fun.

Missy, Jennifer, and I before the race.

Let's just say it was an adventure. Trail running is suppose to be much easier on your legs, but I was so apprehensive. Altough they were marked, there were so many twigs and stumps sticking out everywhere. I never stopped looking down and worrying about my next step. Sure enough, poor Missy took a tumble, but got back up and kept trudging along to the finish.
Bear Lake is a gorgeous area for camping, hiking and outdoor family fun. It just so happens that Jennifer and I had recently taken our children out there for an afternoon trail walk. We walked out to the beautiful lake (I wish I had a picture. I now run WITH my camera.) and as we started back, a snake slivered past us. I don't do snakes!
No matter what, it was a PR for us as this was the first time we had done this race. I ran the 4 mile trail run in 50:15. Perhaps if I do more trail running to prepare for 2012, I will have a much improved time.
Something great happened after the race. We had a few women come up to us to talk to us about the Sole2Soul Sisters. Jennifer had worn her shorts and these ladies wanted to know more. After telling them more about our ministry and giving them information, this eventually led to yet another S2S Sisters group starting in a new community.
Jennifer and I after the race.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Better Late Than Never-Maybe

I never was good at keeping a diary when I was young. I am the ultimate procrastinator. I always regret it though. So, many month later, I must share with you one of the best parts of being a runner. If you know me at all, you know I am a social creature. Although I don't talk too much while I'm running (I seem to be focused on things like breathing and putting one foot in front of the other), I love all the social aspects of running.
With Scott out as my running partner due to miniscus surgery, I decided I needed to find some new running buddies. While looking for race results, I came upon Mindy's blog: mindyrunning@blogspot.com. Mindy happened to be running some of the same races I had been and lives in a town about 30 minutes from me. To make a short story long (I'm good at that you know), we became FB friends, we met, and I soon learned of a wonderful ministry she and friends had started called Sole2Soul Sisters.
Since I was already contemplating starting a running group, I met with them and started this ministry here in Pace. I did not do much in the way of advertising, mostly word of mouth. We had our first meeting in February of 2011. My friend Jennifer said our first meeting was like a scene from the movie "Field of Dreams" since women just kept on coming. I spent the next 10 weeks training women in the Couch to 5K method. We prayed together, walked and ran together, and encouraged each other. In the end, 36 women ran the Fiesta 5K on April 30, 2011. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.
Below is a picture of my "graduating class". We had a carb-loading party at my house the night before the race.

There are so many wonderful stories that I can tell you related to this 10 week journey with these women. So, let's just see if I can keep up with this blog and recollect some of them for you. 

Until next time...which better be tomorrow because I have a lot to catch up on!